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What Are The Signs You Need Orthopaedic Treatment?

Are you feeling something a little “off” with your joints or bones? Are simple movements like walking upstairs or getting out of bed starting to hurt you? Then, it might be time to consult an orthopaedic specialist for treatment or possibly surgery. Orthopaedic issues rarely get better on their own and they are very likely to get drastically worse as time goes on untreated.

  1. Pain

A sudden or increased pain centred around a joint or bone that is persistent and resisting over the counter painkillers could be a sign of something more serious. Joint pain or stiffness could be a sign of developing arthritis which can become debilitating and hard to manage through physical therapy and medication alone. However, a sharp pain, particularly after an accident, could mean there’s something broken. Broken bones often need surgery but the type of procedure quickly becomes more complex the longer the bone is left.

  1. Tingling or numbness

Remember the feeling of pins and needles after sitting awkwardly for too long? If you’re feeling this sensation in any of your extremities without any obvious cause, pins and needles are unlikely the cause. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by damaging the nerve that runs from your forearm to your wrist which is connected to your thumb and all of your fingers except your little finger. This condition could be the cause of that uncomfortable feeling instead of bad posture.

  1. Instability when standing or walking

Another tell-tale sign of joints and tendons not working as they should is when your everyday movement and ability to independently get from A to B is impacted. Being able to walk and stand are two things we take for granted every day but, when reduced or stopped it can greatly reduce your quality of life. If you’re starting to get unsteady on your feet, it might be time to contact an orthopaedic specialist. Thanks to the ongoing medical tourism popularity and the Brit-Med platform launch in November you’ll be able to book an online consultation with the top professionals all over the world without leaving your home on unsteady legs.

  1. Second opinion

If you’re unsure of the options already presented to you, prices or the surgeons themselves it’s worth getting a second opinion from somewhere else. The advice of an orthopaedic surgeon or therapist from another country could give you invaluable advice that you might not have been previously aware of. This advice could even begin your journey to accessing the healthcare of another country if it fits your needs better!